Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finger Match - Pre-K Readiness

Need a little something to occupy them while you get dinner on the table? Is your child weaning himself of that afternoon nap time but you desire for rest time to continue? These finger match games are so unique. They offer your child an opportunity to independently complete each exercise from start to finish and independence is a great quality this age group gains so much confidence from!

This is how it works: (Steps are taken from back of item.) 1. Set the book on a table or your lap.

2. Choose a picture on the left by placing your left hand finger in its hole. (Keep your finger there while finding the match on the right.)

3.Select the correct match on the right by placing your right hand finger in that hole.

4.With fingers in both holes, lift the card to see if a line connects your fingers on the back.

5.If FINGERS MATCH it's correct!!!

6.Repeat until all matches have been completed on the page.

7.Turn the next page and begin matching again.
  • 18 separate activities
  • durable, board book in style
  • parent ideas in back of book
  • recommended ages 3 - 5
  • $7.99 on

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extended Family Relationships Are So Important : Part 1

We've been so blessed this week. Our family has been invited to stay at the beach house for a third year in a row. We love it here. Our whole family - including 8 adults, a teenager, 3 children and 1 on the way- spends time together.

We love the ability to head to the beach, taking only 1 minute to get there. We swim together, build sand castles together, and watch surfers catch waves. When we are ready to head back in, it only takes a minute. We rinse off at the shower in the back of the house, the girls run in to change, we eat lunch, and our morning is complete.

Sometimes we chill under the wrap around front porch, watching the waves crash as we rock in the chairs.

We all eat dinner together, dividing the cooking responsibilities among us "married folk." The dinner meals offer sweet moments of conversations as we migrate to the front porch to enjoy the breeze.

We make homemade ice cream, play "Go Fish," and throw the football.

Everyone is engaged with everyone, and we constantly make our conversations with the girls revolve around the activities presented to us throughout the day. It seems to make them understand the importance of family time- extended family time, too. These are the moments that not only bring them closer to mommy and daddy, but that grow their relationships with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, too.

As I write this, one daughter is upstairs reading books with her soon-to-be aunt. The other is on the front porch with one of her aunts and her Nana playing cards.

I believe some events in life can impact you, without anyone speaking a word about them. Then those same events can double in impact when we take the time to talk about those blessings.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Can Draw Animals....summer fun for your child!

a BOOK REVIEW to help you....

Much like I Can Draw People, this book gives 32 pages of techniques for drawing the following animals:
lion, rabbit, fish, turtle, cat, hen, monkey, flamingo, dolphin, teddy bear, frog, reindeer, lizard, tiger, horse, and bee. I especially like the way they expand the animal concept. I think it helps this book reach a variety of art abilities. It gives numbered step-by-step directions that include simple explanations for each step. The explanations add another level of complexity for children who desire it; however, it doesn't complicate the simplicity of each step.

Another nice feature of this drawing book is the additional surroundings it encourages your child to draw, once the steps are complete. For example, the completed flamingo stands in a ripple of water, another page shows 3 different ways to position the bear, using the same lines- and puts him on the branch of a tree!

So, pull up a chair, learn to draw WITH your child and have fun laughing at the silly pictures you create together! Before you know it, they won't really need your help. They'll know exactly how they want to make their own picture....but maybe they'll still want your company ;)

Find this along with I Can Draw People on
Recommended for ages 3 years and up (although my 6 year old likes it....and she shows great signs of her daddy's art ability!)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Will She Need Me?

It's the second day of dance practice for the production. We are all so excited! Really, it is our whole family's "first dance production" so it is new and exciting to us all. I check Kyla in at the front desk, only to lose her within seconds! Don't worry...I find her taking her place in the dressing room. I sit with her a minute, and watch her 6 year old mind taking it all in. She is having absolutely no problem adjusting to her environment, so I kiss her, whisper to her how proud I am of her, and head out of the door.

Wait. She is ONLY 6 years old. Is it supposed to be like this? I know we spent time together "getting ready" before we arrived, but there must be something else I need to do for her- something she needs me to stay for!
So I stop at the door and just watch her. I really do need to leave. I need to go pay for tic
kets, I need to drop someone off, and I need to pick up something from a friend's home before her practice is over. Instead I pause, and I just take in the hustle and bustle spinning around me...girls getting ready, instructors getting ready, girls finding their friends... it's a whirlwind. I begin praising God for the opportunity He has given Kyla. I wonder how long it will be before she decides to jump in and lead the hustle and bustle, but she doesn't. She just sits, smiles, observes, learns...her mind being influenced by it all.

All of a sudden I hear, "Mommy, come here. I need you!"
Me?!? You need me? My little 6 year old social butterfly needs me? Of course she does!
I walk back over....her hair piece is on the wrong side. I told you it was new to ALL of us ;) .... practices are for the mommies, too!

During her observation of it all, she realized her hair bow wasn't like the other little girls and she wanted her mommy to fix it. What you have to understand is that she is a very independent and outgoing little girl. There were plenty of instructors and volunteers that she could have asked to help her, but she didn't.

More than needing her mommy....she wanted her mommy, and I wanted to help her, too. I only stayed a few minutes longer, as she quickly found her place in the hustle and bustle, but I realized that had I not stopped for just a few moments and allowed God to touch my heart, I would have missed the blessing.

As I was leaving, I prayed for protection upon my little girl's heart- that as she grows and finds herself in the middle of many of life's hustle and bustle situations- that she would remember home- the comfort and security of the relationships we are continuously building and the values and morals we choose to believe as a family.