As many of you know, I come from a family of soccer "nuts!"
3 brothers....3 soccer players
25 years of games, practices, traveling and uniform purchases
(Yeah...my parents are truly amazing people!)
Today, the Admissions Board at the Naval Academy will meet.
They will review.
They will discuss.
They will decide.

For soccer...its a yes...absolutely!
For academics (physics, to be exact)........it is to be determined.
So for now, we will wait and pray.
Uncertainty of the future induces anxiety.
Trying to be still and hear that still, small voice is difficult.
Two things are certain, my Tay.....
1) Your future is in His hands. You are His child and have tried really hard. If it is God's best plan for your life to bring Him honor, you'll get in. If not, more amazing things are waiting for you.
2) I am so proud of you. You are so special to me and I will always love you! Thank you for loving me.
Please join us today in praying for Tay and His future at the Naval Academy!!